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Which Certification is Right for You – Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma
In this competitive job market, getting a desirable job is the toughest challenge. But, holding a Six Sigma certification makes it a little easier to get a better job opportunity in the market for any candidate. However, it does not guarantee that holding a certificate in Six Sigma will make you a better prospect in the job market. In this case, anybody who already has a job and is now acquiring a Six Sigma certification will be in a better situation.
But these days, people are more inclined towards the fact of whether Lean or Six Sigma certification is more important. To eliminate any kind of error from the business process and streamline the entire system, it is important to know which one works better for the market. Both of them have various supporters and critics in the market who can compare them continuously and come out with more debates.
A few have a notion of developing the most effective and efficient business modules which demand the engagement of both Six Sigma and Lean Sigma. To understand the contribution of both, we need to understand the similarities and differences between the two systems.
What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a methodology to remove error and waste from the production which enables the product to improve and it increases the efficiency and streamlines the entire business process. When it was moduled initially, it was used in manufacturing. But, gradually managers start to realize that it is beneficial in all the fields – starting from customer support to management and service delivery.
Nowadays, Six Sigma acts as the main ingredient in the management of any organization. Due to its variances, it is useful in any company which helps in reaching a desirable outcome.
What is Lean?
In any industry, Lean is also used to simplify the manufacturing and business processes, just like Six Sigma. In the case of Lean, the unimportant and wasteful steps are cut short while any product is created so that only valuable steps can be incorporated in the product development.
In the case of Lean methodology, deciding factor whether it is adding any value or not in the time of production is considered by the willingness of the customer to pay for it.
The production would come out to be flawless if any wasteful portion of it is removed from the whole process. It makes any process smooth-running and well-organized.
What is Lean Six-Sigma?
After knowing about Six-Sigma and Lean, it is very much understood that they both have the same objectives. They both have the aim to remove errors from the process and take out the most effective things from the system. However, they both adopt different techniques to do the same. Both Lean and Six-Sigma do not work in the same way. Among the different distinctions, recognizing the main stimulator of error differently is the prime one.
Six-sigma finds different variances responsible for the waste within the process; whereas, Lean finds different unimportant steps within the production making it difficult to add value to the final product.
Undoubtedly, both the methodologies are found to be effective in the market, and that is the reason they both have a significant outcome in refining the process. They both are responsible for revamping the overall business process in different fields. Since they both have established their importance in the market; that's how Lean Six Sigma has come into the picture.
Certification for Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma
Different online certifications are available for Six-Sigma and Lean Six-Sigma. Students can go for Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma courses. Or, anyone can pursue all of the three certifications to become certified in Lean Six Sigma. These courses are 100% available online so anyone can learn them sitting at their home.
About Me
Sophia is an enthusiastic blogger and health and fitness expert. She is very passionate about writing on health, fashion, technology, education, travel etc. She is associated with “Rulzz Media”.