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Infosearch offers #Geospatial, Drone imagery, Aerial view and Contour annotations for machine learning. We deliver high quality #trainingdata that are tailor made for any specific projects!
moreInfosearch offers #Geospatial, Drone imagery, Aerial view and Contour annotations for machine learning. We deliver high quality #trainingdata that are tailor made for any specific projects!
https://www.infosearchbpo.com/geospatial-annotation.php />
#segmentation #geospatialSegmentation #droneimages #contour #aerialview less
Infosearch offers 16 types of Data Annotation services for Machine Learning, #AI & Computer Vision.
Annotation Services:
#data annotation, #image annotation, #BoundingBox, #Polygon, #Semantic #Segmentation, #Masking, #Landmark, #Geospatial,... moreInfosearch offers 16 types of Data Annotation services for Machine Learning, #AI & Computer Vision.
Annotation Services:
#data annotation, #image annotation, #BoundingBox, #Polygon, #Semantic #Segmentation, #Masking, #Landmark, #Geospatial, #Autonomous Vehicle, #3D #Lidar, #PolyLine, #Voice, #Text, #Video Annotation and Annotation #Tools
https://www.infosearchbpo.com/annotation.php />
enquiries(AT)infosearchbpo(DOT)com less
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