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Orange for Diffuser
#orange #blossom #diffuser #oil
Fragrance: Sweet, sugary, and citrus
Note: Top
Blends Well With: Bay- bergamot- black pepper- cinnamon- clary sage- clove- coriander- eucalyptus- frankincense- geranium- ginger- grapefruit- jasmine-... moreOrange for Diffuser
#orange #blossom #diffuser #oil
Fragrance: Sweet, sugary, and citrus
Note: Top
Blends Well With: Bay- bergamot- black pepper- cinnamon- clary sage- clove- coriander- eucalyptus- frankincense- geranium- ginger- grapefruit- jasmine- juniper- lavender- lemon- marjoram- myrrh, neroli- nutmeg- patchouli- petitgrain- rose- sandalwood- vetiver- ylang ylang
The same as other citrus oils, the aroma orange essential oil is very good for the skin and concentrated orange oil is often be found in a wide range of skincare products, perfumes and detergents. This kind of orange aroma essential oil / orange-scented essential oil with aromatherapy can be especially good for dull and oily skin conditions. Besides, the use of the sweet concentrated orange essential oil can also help to eliminate, stress, nerves, palpitations, water retention and toxins.
https://www.mozzinaroma.com/orange-for-diffuser.html less
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